Kognitiewe orientasie as determinant van verbruikersbesluitneming


How to Cite

Kognitiewe orientasie as determinant van verbruikersbesluitneming. (2022). Communicare: Journal for Communication Studies in Africa, 8(2), 52-59. https://doi.org/10.36615/jcsa.v8i2.2053
  • Articles
  • Submited: November 9, 2022
  • Published: November 10, 2022


The consumer decision-making process proves to be the most comprehensive and integrated approach to explain and predict consumer behaviour. A fundamental problem, however, is that as a result of their complexity and cognitive substructure, the models which have been designed to express this approach cannot be easily verified in practice. The Indication is that the model of Overton (1981) provides a way out of this dilemma. The social and rational scales resulting from the model seems to be conceptually part of the broader classification system of field dependence and field independence. The results of the empirical investigation indicate, against the expectation that no significant correlation could be found between field dependence and a social consumer orientation. A significant negative correlation was how ever found between field dependence and a rational consumer orientation.


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How to Cite
Kognitiewe orientasie as determinant van verbruikersbesluitneming. (2022). Communicare: Journal for Communication Studies in Africa, 8(2), 52-59. https://doi.org/10.36615/jcsa.v8i2.2053

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