Transcending diversity: The communication manager as ethical/moral ombudsperson in the postmodern organisational setting

The communication manager as ethical/moral ombudsperson in the postmodern organisational setting

Anne Leonard
University of Pretoria
Ursula Stroh
University of Pretoria

How to Cite

Transcending diversity: The communication manager as ethical/moral ombudsperson in the postmodern organisational setting . (2022). Communicare: Journal for Communication Studies in Africa, 19(2), 34-50.
  • Articles
  • Submited: October 29, 2022
  • Published: October 31, 2022


Although the philosophy of ethical and socially responsible communication management'
practices has a long history and has been described in great detail, the notion of the
communication manager as an ethical/moral ombudsperson is relatively new.
With increasing numbers of communication managers now forming part of the dominant
coalition/strategic decision-making team in many organisations, the real influence
that these individuals have over the values that organisations accept should be critically
The new role of the communication manager is conceptualised as constituting two
spheres of responsibility. Internally the communication manager should be facilitating
the establishment and acceptance of ethically/morally acceptable organisational values.
These values will then figure in external organisational behaviour, while the
communication manager will act as the eyes and ears of the society in which he/she


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How to Cite
Transcending diversity: The communication manager as ethical/moral ombudsperson in the postmodern organisational setting . (2022). Communicare: Journal for Communication Studies in Africa, 19(2), 34-50.

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