Published: 2023-06-30

History of Clinical Sociology

Alice Stokes Paul (1885-1977)

Jan Marie Fritz
Abstract 143 | PDF Downloads 99

Page 1-8

Being Fed Through Nostrils Is Described by Alice Paul (1909)

Abstract 72 | PDF Downloads 56

Page 9-11

The Church and Social Problems (1910)

Alice Paul
Abstract 77 | PDF Downloads 56

Page 12-16

Miss Alice Paul on Hunger Strike (1917)

Abstract 69 | PDF Downloads 55

Page 17-18


Towards the analysis of the researcher's subjectivity A dialogue between researchers

Mónica Olaza, Mabela Ruiz Barbot
Abstract 114 | PDF Downloads 193

Page 19-52

Between reason and passion: the experience of teachers during training and application of the PhiloJeunes project

Marie Laurence Bordeleau-Payer, Élise Bourgeois-Guérin, Sivane Hirsch, Cécile Rousseau
Abstract 161 | PDF Downloads 106

Page 53-86

Elements for the Analysis of the Institutionalization of Applied Sociology. A case of Clinical Sociology in Colombia (2015-2022)

Fernando Yzaguirre, José Luis Álvaro Estramiana, Alicia Garrido Luque
Abstract 443 | PDF Downloads 218

Page 87-117



Melodye Lehnerer
Abstract 126 | PDF Downloads 115

Page 118-130