Open Access Statement

The Clinical Sociology Review is committed to providing immediate and open access to all published articles, recognizing that free access to research fosters global knowledge exchange and accelerates scientific progress. Our diamond open access model* ensures that neither authors nor readers face financial barriers to publishing or accessing research.

Core Principles

  • Free to publish: Authors are never charged Article Processing Charges (APCs) or any other publication fees.
  • Free to access: All published articles are immediately available in full-text format, free of charge, to anyone with an internet connection.
  • Copyright and licensing: Authors retain copyright of their work and publish under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial (CC BY NC) license, which allows for maximum dissemination and reuse, provided the original authors are cited correctly.
  • Peer review: Rigorous and transparent peer review is conducted by experts in the field, ensuring the quality and integrity of published articles.
  • Sustainability: We are committed to developing sustainable funding models that ensure the long-term viability of the journal and open access.

Benefits of Diamond Open Access

  • Increased visibility and readership: Open access articles are more likely to be cited and have a wider impact than subscription-based articles.
  • Equity and inclusion: By removing financial barriers, open access makes research accessible to everyone, regardless of their financial resources or geographic location.
  • Transparency and trust: Open access promotes transparency and fosters trust in the research process.
  • Community-driven: Diamond open access journals are often driven by the scientific community, ensuring that editorial decisions are made in the best interests of science and researchers.

*Additional Information:

You can find more information about diamond open access on the following websites: