Interview with Robert Sévigny The Quebec experience of a pioneer of clinical sociology.

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Jacques Rhéaume



In Quebec, an important figure in the development of a clinical approach in sociology and the human sciences is undoubtedly Robert Sévigny, professor emeritus in the department of Sociology at the University of Montreal. Four specific phases of his journey are thus addressed. A first period is that of his training and his professional experiences which go from 1951 to the end of the 1970s. Another phase follows, from the 80s to the beginning of the 2000s, marked more particularly by his research and intervention work. exploring 'implicit' sociology among practitioners and researchers. A third period is that of the development of the clinical approach in sociology, both in Quebec and in international networks. This involves reference to different theoretical currents and varied practices depending on the countries concerned. Finally, by examining the major social transformations that we are experiencing in our Western societies and in the world, a critical reflection is necessary on the current and future development of a clinical approach in sociology, and more broadly, in the human and social sciences.

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