A beginner’s guide to the Fourth Industrial Revolution in Africa: By Abel Matheba and Debates
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What is a revolution?
A revolution is change that happens over a length of time. This type of change is driven by human beings. It starts as an idea in
the minds of a few, and then spreads out into the minds of more people so that it gains momentum to force a change in the world. A political revolution is often forced through protests or policies, where the majority of the affected people drive this
change in their desired direction. An industrial revolution is a change in economic power, where the main driver of the economy is changed from a certain technological sector to another.
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How to Cite
A beginner’s guide to the Fourth Industrial Revolution in Africa: By Abel Matheba and Debates. (2019). The Thinker, 82(4), 10-12. https://doi.org/10.36615/thethinker.v82i4.354