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In recent decades, the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) has added a new dimension to change and has been exponential in its development. It is important to understand its effects in various environments, particularly the opportunities and challenges it brings
to public sector functioning, where there needs to be a greater drive towards innovative service delivery. This article explores 4IR within the context of public sector service delivery, focusing on South Africa as a developmental nation. It examines technological
advancements of 4IR in line with some of the aims of local government, particularly in its mandate to be more responsive and effective in its service delivery. It also establishes how 4IR platforms are being adopted for effective citizen engagement, which is an essential
goal of service delivery within the sphere of local government. It examines some of the gaps that need to be addressed around the essential practicalities required to integrate 4IR effectively and explores the readiness of the general public sector environment to
respond to the demands of 4IR. Key factors regarding what is needed to create a more enabling environment for local government service delivery and its prevalent developmental constraints are also discussed.


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The Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) and its Effects on Public Service Delivery in South Africa. (2022). The Thinker, 90(1).