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Gerrit VanDerWaldt


capital projects, Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality, development, infrastructure, project management


Project management as an application is utilised increasingly by municipalities in South Africa to render services on time, within budget, and according to quality and performance specifications. But the translation of integrated development planning (IDP), top-layer service delivery and budget implementation plans (SDBIPs) into successful projects often do not yield the desired results. This is especially true for capital-intensive infrastructure projects. Typical municipal infrastructure projects entail the construction of roads, pavements and bridges and storm water systems. It also include the provision of electricity (generation, transmission and reticulation e.g. street lighting), water (e.g. dams, reservoirs, and water purification), and sanitation (e.g. reticulation and sewerage purification). This article reports on empirical findings of research conducted at the Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality (henceforth referred to as Dr KKDM), North-West Province, which include four local (category B) municipalities, namely Maquassi Hills, Matlosana, Tlokwe, and Ventersdorp local municipalities. The aim of the study was to explore practices and challenges associated with the design and execution of infrastructure (capital) projects and to uncover best practice for innovative project governance. Case study methodology was utilised in the research.

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