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N.A Aniekwu
A.C. Igboanugo
M.K. Onifade


Project Success Criteria, Project Delivery Method, Analytical Hierarchy Process, Eigen-vectors.


The emergence of Concurrent Engineering (CE) as the Project Procurement method of choice for effective integration and coordination into construction has been gaining grounds. However, this is based mainly on empirical data that were derived majorly from the implementation of CE within the manufacturing environment. Thus the theoretical foundations of CE has been more empirical that statistical. Although science is driven by data, strong theoretical foundations must exist in order to explain that data. This work seeks to confirm statistically, the prominence of concurrent engineering as the method which offers the most scope for effective attainment of construction objectives of Cost, Time, Quality and Clients
Satisfaction. Using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) model, these project success criteria were used as the primary criteria, along with its sub-criteria, to calculate the Eigenvectors, in order to synthesize a pair-wise comparison matrix of the criteria. Thus the priority weight vectors were obtained and used for the ranking of the four principal construction delivery methods: Traditional method, the Design and Build method, the Programme management method and the Concurrent Engineering method. The results of the data computations gave a ranking of the four (4) principal project delivery methods of; Traditional sequential delivery, Programme management, Design and build and CE, with the values 0.0001, 0.1027, 0.2062 and 0.6910 respectively. CE ranked highest in its effectiveness in attaining construction goals. The work thus confirm statistically, the prominence of concurrent engineering as the method which offers the most scope for effective  attainment of construction objectives of Cost, Time, Quality and Clients Satisfaction.

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