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Stephen Ajadi


Apoptosis, Mutations, City Systems, Biomimetics, Settlements


Over the past few years there have been a number of cases of large scale urban translocation, city division, and new formations of contemporary settlements in various parts of the world. An increase in the ubiquity of civil unrest around the world and mass uprisings are typical causes of these processes. This poses a serious threat to the efficacy of classical urban and architectural design strategies, and their motive. Since this is a new development which urban and architecture hardly anticipated, it is imperative to seek new ways to curb, manage or mitigate the proliferation of extemporaneous city mutations. The effort here is to employ chiefly the idea of biomimetics in an analytical juxtaposition of natural processes like apoptosis, pyknosis, karyorrhexis, and karyolysis with certain city processes and systems. The aim is to establish a new environmentally friendly motive for the disintegration and integration of settlements. Aided with streamlined programmatic principles, computational and algorithmic design, city systems are studied in an African context. The biomimetic approach to the study of city mutations is tailored to provide a design and management platform that attempts to predict and/or manage unanticipated shifts of settlements within city systems at various levels of urban and architectural schemes in West Africa, especially Nigeria.

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