Convoluted Pentecost? An Analysis of Akan Indigenous Worldviews in Ghanaian Pentecostal-Charismatic Praxes

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Bernard Otopah Appiah


Akan, Pentecostal, Indigenous, Religions, Sociotheological, Culture, Sociological Posture, Continuity, Charismatic


In this paper, I argue that the reason for the success and the failure of Pentecostalism on the African continent, particularly in Ghana, is because of its interaction with the Akan indigenous cosmology. A critical examination of this on-going phenomenon begs the question as to whether this interaction between Akan indigenous and Pentecostal worldviews could be convoluted, considering the myriads of practices that take place in churches identified with this strand of Christianity? There is also a critical examination of the sociological posture of Pentecostal-Charismatic churches arising from its praxes and the needed socio-theological response to correct them.

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