“Your Womb is Our Enemy!” The Rape of Tigray as Genocidal Rape.

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Muauz Gidey Alemu https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3563-7373
Mulugeta Gebrehiwet Berhe https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0889-1966


Tigray Genocide, Reproductive Violence, Genocidal Rape, Ethiopia, Eritrea and Amhara


War crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide were committed in the war in Tigray.  This article focuses on the use of sexual violence as an instrument of war. It narrates the scale, nature, and intentions of the sexual violence perpetrated on Tigrayan women, girls, men and boys. It showcases the extreme cruelty, dehumanization and intent to sterilize and inflict maximum damage from stories of victims and witnesses. It compares them with the rape crimes committed in other cases and concludes the nature of the crime was genocidal.

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