Economy and Politics in the Nigerian Transition

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Adebayo O. Olukoshi



This essay is an attemp to offer a general overview of the range of polititcal and economic problems that served as the context for the transition to elected forms of governance in Nigeria after some sixteen years of military rule. These problems, even where they did not originate in military rule, were exacerbated by the years of political exclusion, chicanery, and represion as well as the continuing decline in the national economy and deep-seated corruption associated with prolonged military rule. It is suggested that a serious-minded effort at tackling these problems and the kinds of succcess recorded will be central to the vialibility of the Fourth Republic and the restauration of the confidence of the populace in pubic office holders. Several of the problems that need redressing are of "nuts and bolts" kind and the fact that they arose at all is indicative of the depth to which Nigeria sank durting the military years; others are far more profound and challenge the very basis on which state-society relations as well as nation-territorial administration are presently constituted. Whether basic or profound, they will tax all the commitment and leadership qualities of the elected politicians of the Fourth Republic.

(A. J. of Political Science: 2001 5(2): 5-29)
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