Ronit Frenkel in Conversation with Dale McKinley
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Ronit Frenkel (RF): We’re going to be discussing mostly your last two books today, but before we start, maybe you can tell me a little bit about your background?
Dale McKinley (DM): Sure. I was born and raised in Zimbabwe, with parents who had come f rom the United States as teachers. I grew up in the 1960s and 70s during the Liberation War in Zimbabwe. I left to go and study in the United States in the 1980s, and eventually received a PhD in International Political Economy through the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill. I then returned back home in 1990, arriving in South Af rica in early 1991 to do my dissertation.
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Ronit Frenkel in Conversation with Dale McKinley. (2020). The Thinker, 85(3), 105-112.