The think-think musician! Fela Anikulapo Kuti’ political thoughts about citizens and the state of Nigeria in ‘Akunakuna Senior Brother of Perambulators.’

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Kayode Eesuola


State, Political Thoughts, Political Theories, Fela, Citizens, Nigeria


We hermeneutically interpret Fela’s song Akunakuna Senior Brother of Perambulators to establish that specific musical lyrics contain political thoughts and theories that deserve continuous intellectual exploration. This is quite different from the many others produced through the idea of ‘arts for arts’ sake’. Traditionally, especially between 1970 and 1997, Fela’s songs interrogated the dominant socio-political policies and practices in Nigeria and other countries of focus. Akunakuna, specifically, interrogated such political concepts as the state, citizens, the public, justice and ‘government of the people’, notably from daily socio-political interactions. This has propound a semblance of political thoughts and theories that we, in this article, consider empirical because they are derived from practical circumstances of citizens- government power relations within the state.

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