Flood Disaster and Family Disorganization in the Niger Delta

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Warikiente Robert Ene


Flood, Disaster, family, disorganization, Niger Delta


Flood disasters are natural calamities that exert devastating impact on communities and families. These events often result in the loss of lives, destruction of property, and displacement of individuals and families. The perennial nature of this menace in many countries around the globe, including Nigeria has attracted attention from scholars and other concerned institutions. However, its propensity to disorganize the proper functioning of the family which is of the basic unit of society has not been fully examined. Thus, this work examined the relationship between flood disaster and family disorganization in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria. Based on the Family Stress theory, the study relied on secondary sources of data. The Study finds that flood disasters have wide-ranging effects on families, often resulting in family disorganization in the region. The loss of homes, disruption of social networks, financial strain, psychological trauma, and the disruption of education and healthcare services all contribute to this disorganization. In view of the above, support from government and community resources, counselling services, and disaster relief organizations can play a crucial role in helping families navigate the difficulties associated with flood disasters and facilitate the process of restoring stability and organization within the family unit. 

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