Die Opleiding van die skakelpraktisyn in beroepsgerigte spesialiseringsrigtings: Die mediese skakelpraktisyn as toepassing
Die mediese skakelpraktisyn as toepassing

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- Articles
- Submited: November 2, 2022
Published: November 3, 2022
There is an urgent need to train public relations practitioners as specialists within specific: organizations. It is often only then that the public relations practitioner realizes that s/he is not competent to deal with the unique PR requirements for that specific organization and is also unfamiliar with the broad structure and activities oflhat organization. At present there is a lack in specialised occupattonal training opportunities for public relations practitioners at our technikons and universities which need to be addressed ac-cording to research conducted amongst public relations students and medical public relations practitioners. Since heatth in South Africa is a prominent political issue, it is necessary to establish the present and future role of the medical public felations practitioner, and to what extent a need exists in further training of these practitioners. Further training can also add certain competencies to already acquired basic skills necessary for the medical public relations practitioner. Research conducted amongst second and third year public relations students at the Technikon SA, medical public. relations practitioners in the Gauteng Province, and heads of tersiary health institutions revealed that 97,5% of the respondents are in favour of specialised occupational training. It was also found that the present competencies of the medical public relations practitioner are not sufficient..
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