Use of participatory forum theatre to explore HIV/AIDS issues in the workplace

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- Articles
- Submited: October 18, 2022
Published: October 20, 2022
The continued success of entertainment education programmes around the world has seen an
increase in the use of theatre for HIV/AIDS interventions. Both UNAIDS and UNESCO recommend
the use of such cultural strategies for HIV/AIDS awareness. A brief survey of current evaluations
in this field reveals such projects in Kenya, Angola, Mozambique, the Netherlands and Honduras,
amongst other countries. Forum theatre is reported as being used as a technique to deepen
understanding of HIV/AIDS issues in programmes in Georgia, Tanzania, Burkina Faso and South
Africa (The Communication Initiative, 2007).
This paper explores the application of participatory theatre techniques in a South African factory
environment in 2003. It investigates the conditions and context for the project, some of the theoretical
underpinnings of the forum theatre concept, and the reception of the project by the factory audience.
Essentially, the paper seeks to determine whether forum theatre is an appropriate strategy to use
for HIV/AIDS awareness in this environment.
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