The Bricoleur Economy Indigenous Gold Mining in Zimbabwe

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Annie Barbara Chikwanha


Bricoleurs, artisanal mining, indigenous miners, self empowerment, small-scale, Gold mining


This article uses the concept ‘Bricoleurs’ to analyse the different categories of indigenous small- scale miners in Zimbabwe. Indigenous citizens constitute the bulk of the small and medium scale gold miners who continue to use antiquated methods of extraction and processing and they market their gold through illegal networks managed by middlemen. The study highlights the challenges Bricoleurs encounter in forcing inclusion into the mainstream mining economy, and the government’s failure to capture them into the formal gold market. The indigenous gold miners’ experiences reveal the trials posed by fragmented and incoherent legal and institutional policy frameworks that militate against the Bricoleur miners’ productivity. With gold deposits found all over the country, and in the absence of supporting organisational structures, the Bricoleurs’ self-empowerment through devious means has become accepted by mining authorities. Data for this article was collected mostly through interviews with different stakeholders in the gold mining industry in Harare, Shurugwi and Chakari in Zimbabwe.

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