Africa-China Relations and the Issue of South-South Cooperation

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Nana Kwame Nkrumah
Daniel Dramani Kipo-Sunyehzi


South-south cooperation, realism, non-interference, decolonization, Africa-China


Africa-China or Sino-African relations continue to grow stronger. Africa sees China as a partner in development with the global South-South Cooperation. As a measure of friendship, China constructed the African Union headquarters at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, for free. There has been cooperation between China and African countries. China’s role in Africa during the independence struggles is well noted and its development assistance to the continent has been phenomenal over the years. As Africa and China relations continue, several bottlenecks continue to mar the relationship. This paper highlights the bottlenecks of Africa-China relations by tracing the historical ties between China and African states. It delves into Africa-China relations in terms of South-South Cooperation and China’s foreign policy of non-interference in internal matters of other states. It uses 2019 data to analyze China-Africa trade, investments and revenues accruing to both partners. It concludes with how China-African states can achieve mutual benefits.

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