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Lee-Shae Scharnick-Udemans
Desmond Tutu Centre for Religion and Social Justice University of the Western Cape
South Africa
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May 26, 2020
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Author Biography
Lee-Shae Scharnick-Udemans, Desmond Tutu Centre for Religion and Social Justice University of the Western Cape South Africa
Dr Lee Scharnick-Udemans is the senior researcher in the Desmond Tutu Centre for Religion and Social Justice at the University of the Western Cape. Her research focuses on religious diversity and religious pluralism in the context of contemporary South Africa. She researches, teaches, and supervises in the area of religious diversity, pluralism, religion education, the political economy of religion, new religious movements, and the media. She is the co-editor of the Journal for the Study of Religion and the submissions editor for the African Journal of Gender and Religion