A Brief Analysis of the Status of a Transgender Beneficiary for Purposes of an Islamic Will Within the South African Context
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Inheritance, Islamic law, South African law, Constitutional law, Transgender
A Muslim within the South African context can ensure that his or her compulsory estate devolves in terms of the Islamic law of compulsory succession by virtue of executing a will, that includes a clause to this degree. This article looks at a fictitious scenario where a testator (X) executes an Islamic will and leaves behind a son (Y) and a transgender son (Z) (whose birth-assigned sex was female and identifies as male) as his only relatives. This article looks at the right of Z to inherit in terms of the Islamic will.
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Alteration of Sex Description and Sex Status Act 49, 2003
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Tolino, Serena. “Transgenderism, Transsexuality and Sex - Reassignment Surgery in Contemporary Sunni Fatwas.” Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies 17 (2017): 223 – 246. https://doi.org/10.5617/jais.6116.