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Robyn Williams
Lisa Otto


Iran and the United States (U.S.) have had a volatile relationship for decades, with continuous threats of violence, sanctions, and internet blocks. In the last decade, we have seen a third force at play as technology becomes an integral aspect of diplomatic relations. The last three U.S. administrations have displayed mixed attempts at salvaging diplomatic relations with Iran. This article explores how artificial intelligence driven communication can be a critical tool in improving the relationship between the two states. Utilising a desktop research approach, exploring primary and secondary literature, this article explores possible artificial intelligence solutions to improve the communicational aspect in the public diplomacy between Iran and the U.S. It is evident that artificial intelligence has had negative implications on the public diplomacy between the two states as we witness the increasing use of deep-fakes and website
blocks. However, processes such as natural language understanding allows governments to have more targeted foreign policy objectives and language translation creates a direct and enhanced line of communication between the state and foreign audience.


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How to Cite

Artificial intelligence as a tool of public diplomacy: Communication between the United States and Iran. (2022). The Thinker, 90(1).