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Okorafor Chikezirim
Erastus Mwanaumo


Waste, Management Strategies, Waste Management Plan, Internal Company Waste Plan


The minimisation and disposal of construction wastes has become one of the most construction and environmental issues in recent years. The disposal of waste can have a significant impact on the environment as total volume of available landfill is decreasing and cost associated in its disposal are quite enormous. Primary data were obtained using structured questionnaire, interviews and site visits. The questionnaire was also designed in line with the method to cover various factors that lead to wastages on construction sites, waste control measures, existence of waste management plan in contractual process and remedies to the problem. The findings indicate that waste of materials in the building industry is fairly high and that a large variability in waste incidence is found across different projects. The study established that the strategies adopted in minimising material wastes in the City of Tshwane building industry were good but evidence on site reveal to the contrary

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